This is how you get back into Thailand from Laos, Bhoteo to Chiang Kong.

In Luang Namtha we were surrounded by these ganja women who sell cheap jewelry as a cover for their illegal trade.

Some construction seen at dusk during a bicycle outting in Luang Namtha, Laos.

A cart flipped over and stopped Chinese traffic for miles. Hundreds gathered at the scene and our brave bus driver drove us around the wreck, coming dangerously close to falling off a cliff. Justin and Jeremie tried to organize the crowd to lift the cart but that would make far too much sense.

A baby evacuates itself in the streets of Jinghong, China.
Guess what I'm doing...
If you guessed peeing on a bus, you win!

Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province. It is clean, modern, and home to over 4 million people.

Kunming again.

Obligatory photo of Chinese people riding bikes and scooters.

Incredibly, a man who is almost certainly an outcast in China shows affection for a dog.
Again an excellent job with the pictures. The guy with the dog looks very western in his dress and affection for his dog. You're coming down to the wire with your trip. I'm looking forward to your pictures from the beach. I bet you'll get some beautiful shots. See you soon.
Love, Dad
Mike's Mom: Read the blog while eating lunch... leftover chili. Which cheese covered, fatty, American comfort food are you craving most? Nana bought a contraption that receives / prints email, so we have been forwarding her pictures and blog bits, and she is content. Justin, if you ever wander to NC, please come visit. Jeff and I would love to meet you. Looking forward to the first beach pics and blog, though I shall be jealous, and must make do with a Margarita. Love you.
the photo of the ganja woman is so great. intentional blur or not, i think it works perfect.
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