We found these children cooking their pet turtle in a fire they built on the street.

Hei Piao, Shuo San's older brother, a retired Akha village teacher. Shuo San cannot utter his name in his presence.

Chinese people smoke tobacco out of huge bamboo bongs.

Justin tastes a spider.

Having tea right at the farm where it was grown.

Shuo San poses in front of the mural he painted at his family's tea farm and factory.

Cards, blocks, dominoes - people are intensely involved in street games at all hours of the workday.

Steps leading up to a furniture store.

Some Lao homes seen on our way to China. These are a bit more upscale than the average.
Note: Check the top of the previous photo post for new pictures of bridge crossing and Lao landscape.
Mike's Mom:
kids conspiring... friends competing... family gathering... people moving and smiling instead of Lining Up and Saying Cheese.
Hey Mike,
China sounds cool. I'm still in shock from that bamboo bridge you walked across in Laos. I thought the argument you guys had with the chinese women was hilarious. What was the large, tower-like structure in the picture?
Hey Justin,
Ditto to Emily's comment - ridiculous scene with the hotel staff indeed, must have been hilarious.
Where to next? These blog updates are the best. Shuo San seemed like a pretty hip chinese guy you've befriended. Not to mention the whole driver scene - hilarious.
Heck of an ATM system...
Hey Justin,
Nice title for this entry. So many exotic experiences for our intrepid travelers, not sure how to start a comment...so - How's your butt? We've seen Mike's... and the washboard effect (long, bumpy ride). This entry tops them all..Sounds like a rather hairy ride overall. Absolutley amazing experiences, love the way you guys manage to find a plce to stay in the middle of nowhere. Awesome stars, to be imprinted in your memory cells forever and an experience you may never match - along with many others. Once again, you've managed to fight off the prostitutes -that's my boy. I see your learning how to be a good communist. Nothing like fresh chicken for breakfast...
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